In the month of April, my professor from college, Dr Turk and I decided to go to Rowe Sanctuary in Nebraska to photograph Sandhill cranes. We are in Northern Colorado and it was a good 7-8 hours drive for us. I rented an 800mm with a Canon 1Dx for this trip.
We were put in a plywood photo bling which was about 5ft x 8ftx 6ft in size. These blinds have a few windows to shoot from. They are right on the bank of Platte river. Sandhill cranes eat leftover corn in the nearby fields and as the evening unfolds, they all accumulate in the river.
We were locked in the photo blind for the night. Only in case of an emergency we could call the authorities to be taken out. We were given porta-potties.
Cranes came in very late. It was too dark to photograph them but I still tried. Most of the photos that I made were taken in the morning hours. They kept coming and going in the morning hours. We left at about 9AM or so from the photo blind.
Here are some of the photos that I thought were presentable.